Care Instructions
Succulents and Cacti are relatively easy to care for once you understand a bit about them! Succulents originally came from dry, arid climates such as deserts. One of the reasons succulents are so popular is because of their low maintenance and less frequent watering needs. They are slow growing and don't mind being grouped with other succulents and cacti. Succulents store water in their leaves and like their roots to be surrounded by dry soil once they have taken in the water they need! Don't be concerned if the bottom leaves shrivel and die. This is how most succulents grow. As long as the center (newest growth) of the succulent looks good, then the succulent is healthy.
In the spring/summer while succulents and cacti are actively growing, water them about every 7-10 days. When watering be sure to water at the base of the plant so the roots get wet. You should only give each succulent about 1-2 Tablespoons of water. You may need to adjust the water amount and frequency. The most important thing is that you allow your succulents and cacti to dry up between waterings.
Over watering will cause root rot and kill your succulents and cacti quickly. If you notice your succulent becoming mushy or the leaves turning yellow and falling off easily, withhold water until the soil dries out.
If you notice the leaves begin to wrinkle and wilt, give a little more water and it should plump back up. It is easier to bring back a succulent that has been under watered rather than over watered.
As a general rule, just remember that succulents and cacti want to be dry. They do need water to survive, but will die if they sit in wet soil. If you aren't sure if your succulents and cacti need water, feel the soil near the roots to check if there is any moisture. If not, you should be safe to give 1-2 Tablespoons.
Keep an eye on your succulents for signs of over or under watering. They will show signs of both issues so you can fix the problem! There is a list at the end of this page to help you diagnose some common issues.
During the winter months succulents are not actively growing and therefore don't require watering as often. You can go even longer between watering times. Water if the leaves look wrinkled/wilted. You will be surprised how long you can go between watering in the winter!
Succulents and cacti need about 6 hours of sunlight daily. They like bright, yet indirect sunlight. If they are in a window sill watch out for burnt looking leaves. This can happen if the window gets too hot. Also, if you keep them in a window sill during the winter months check to make sure there is not a cold draft coming through your window. Succulents do not like the cold and this could kill them if not noticed in time. If they are in a lot of light they may dry out quicker and need a little extra water. Keep an eye on the leaves for signs of drying out.
If your succulents aren't getting enough light they will start to stretch towards the light and begin to look "leggy." If this happens, move them to a location with more sunlight. You may need to move your succulents and cacti around to find the perfect spot where they will do best. South and East facing windows provide the most sunlight.
Houseplant Care
Aim to keep your plants in a warm environment with some air circulation. The goal is to get as close to creating their natural habitat as possible. Near windows with good sunlight is best. Keep plants away from cold drafts in the winter. If your plant is in a sunny location, it is important to rotate regularly for even growth. About 1/4 turn once a week. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the leaves of your houseplant occasionally to prevent
buildup and dust. Trim dead materials off to prevent bacteria and fungus. Once your plant has outgrown your container you should repot into a container 1-2” bigger in diameter than your previous pot.
If you planted in a container without drainage holes, you will want to be careful not to overwater. You don’t want the water to collect at the bottom and rot the roots. Water slow and sparingly so that the water gets evenly distributed through the soil without pooling at the bottom. Plants do NOT like to have “wet feet”(roots). Most plants would rather be slightly dry than soaking wet. Start with watering 1-2 times a week. Give about 1/2 cup of lukewarm water slowly. Also, a light misting from a spray bottle every few days is usually beneficial. Check soil every few days to see how fast it is drying out. Some types of plants want more water, and some less. Feel the soil before watering. If the soil is dry, then water. If damp, then hold off. Adjust water frequency and amount as needed. Seasons changing will affect how long you should wait between waterings. Get to know your plant’s needs by checking on it every few days
Light is just as important as water for houseplants! The more light the better! The soil needs to dry out properly when planting in containers without drainage holes, and needs bright light to do so. Houseplants typically require 4-6 hours of light a day. Some like a little less. Depending on the type of plant, they might like bright direct light, or indirect filtered light. If they are in a bright sunny spot they may need more frequent watering since they will be drying out faster!
Once a month during their growing season (spring and summer months) we recommend using an organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is best for houseplants that are planted in containers without drainage holes. If using other fertilizers, the salt may collect in your container and cause chemical burn. Use half of the recommended dose of plant food. Overfeeding makes plants susceptible to insects and disease.